完美世界前传下载,大主宰 天蚕土豆 小说 http://cnjhjh.cn/en/ Fri, 03 Jun 2016 10:59:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 Crane Scale UT-C http://cnjhjh.cn/en/shop/ut-c1/ http://cnjhjh.cn/en/shop/ut-c1/#respond Tue, 11 Aug 2015 07:51:02 +0000 http://ute.shejiku.net/?post_type=product&p=16472 Tare range:100% of the scale capacity.

Unit Kg/1b ?conversion.

1 inch bright & large LED display.

Over load indication and low battery indication.

Use adaptor to charge:6V,4Ah? AC:110V/220V.

Use rechargeable battery: Battery provide up to 80 hours of continuous use.

Remote control: workable distance 20 meter.

Tube type 360° freely rotary hanger.

[dt_button size="small" style="default" animation="none" color_mode="default" icon="" icon_align="left" color="" link="/endownload/ut-c.doc" target_blank="true"]Manual[/dt_button]
[dt_button size="small" style="default" animation="none" color_mode="default" icon="" icon_align="left" color="" link="/endownload/jz-ut-c.doc" target_blank="true"]Correction[/dt_button]

[dt_button size="medium" style="default" animation="none" color_mode="default" icon="" icon_align="left" color="" link="http://ute.en.alibaba.com/product/1273783993-209511282/Crane_scale.html" target_blank="true"]BUY[/dt_button]

The post Crane Scale UT-C first appeared on .


Tare range:100% of the scale capacity.

Unit Kg/1b ?conversion.

1 inch bright & large LED display.

Over load indication and low battery indication.

Use adaptor to charge:6V,4Ah? AC:110V/220V.

Use rechargeable battery: Battery provide up to 80 hours of continuous use.

Remote control: workable distance 20 meter.

Tube type 360° freely rotary hanger.



MODEL Max.Cap(kg) Division(kg) Overall size (mm) N.W.(kg)
UT-C-600 600kg 0.2kg 200×170×450 9kg
UT-C-1000 1000kg 0.5kg
UT-C-2000 2000kg 1kg
UT-C-3000 3000kg 1kg 250×225×570 17kg
UT-C-5000 5000kg 2kg



The post Crane Scale UT-C first appeared on .

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